Published On: 17 May 2024

About PT Brantas Abipraya

PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) is an Indonesian state-owned construction company established in 1980. The company’s main business activities are in the construction, industry, trade, and services sectors. Abipraya has three operating divisions: Building, Water Resources, and Road and Bridge. The company also has two supporting businesses: Equipment and Precast. Abipraya adopts ‘best practice’ standards both nationally and internationally in carrying out its operations. These standards include quality management systems, environmental management systems, and occupational safety and health (K3) management systems

Problem Statement

Brantas’ current IT infrastructure, while reliable, presents limitations in scalability and agility. Their dependence on physical resources makes it challenging to adapt to evolving business demands. Additionally, the lack of a secure and reliable cloud connection hinders their ability to leverage the benefits of cloud-based solutions. Furthermore, the absence of standardized practices for cloud deployment and management exposes them to potential security vulnerabilities and inefficiencies.

Proposed Solution and Architecture

This project proposes a comprehensive Cloud Data Center service implementation on Amazon Web Services (AWS) to address Brantas’ challenges. The solution will encompass the following phases:

  • Network Connectivity and Security: Establishing a secure VPN connection and implementing robust security measures within the AWS environment.
  • Cloud Migration and Resource Optimization: Migrating critical workloads and data to AWS while ensuring optimal resource allocation using services like EC2, S3, and RDS. Infrastructure as code (IaC) tools will be utilized for automated infrastructure management.
  • Monitoring, Logging, and Alerting: Designing a comprehensive cloud monitoring solution with CloudWatch to track resource utilization and application performance. Automated alerting and logging mechanisms will be implemented for proactive issue identification.
  • Backup and Disaster Recovery: Developing a robust backup and DR strategy utilizing services like S3 Glacier and Elastic Disaster Recovery to ensure business continuity.
  • High Availability Configuration: Configuring Brantas’ applications for high availability with autoscaling and redundancy for consistent uptime.

Metrics for Success

The project’s success will be measured by:

  • Successful migration of Brantas’ workloads and data to AWS.
  • Establishment of secure network connectivity and robust security posture within the AWS environment.
  • Effective monitoring and alerting mechanisms for proactive problem identification.
  • Implementation of a comprehensive backup and DR strategy for business continuity.
  • Achieved improvements in scalability, agility, and cost-efficiency.

Lesson Learned

Brantas’ successful cloud initiative hinged on meticulous planning, clear communication, robust security, and comprehensive testing.  By thoroughly examining resources, fostering collaboration, and prioritizing security,  we navigated complexities and ensured a smooth transition. Rigorous testing and ongoing monitoring minimized disruptions and optimized performance.  To ensure future success, we documented best practices and lessons learned, empowering our teams for  future endeavors.

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