Published On: 15 March 2024

Global Poin Indonesia – Migration to AWS :

PT Global Poin Indonesia is the operator of GetPlus – a free membership coalition loyalty program that enables members to earn reward points from their everyday shopping across all retail categories. GetPlus mobile application was on Feb’2019, currently they have more than 350,000 members.

They experience sudden downtime several times in their production environment, in one of the public cloud, and their IT infra billing keeps increasing from month-to-month. They want to migrate their web application and mobile application from the other public cloud to AWS. But then, they also migrate their CRM application to AWS. They have needs for elastic, secure, and high available public cloud to develop their applications into microservices in the future.

Proposed solution & architecture

Getplus looking to quickly rehost a large number of machines to AWS without worrying about compatibility, performance disruption, or long cutover windows. Any re-architecture that needs to be done can be performed more easily after your machines are running on AWS.

For the migration they use a replication scenario leverage CloudEndure, where the agent installed on their legacy system in the other public cloud and replicates it automatically to AWS.

ICS with Getplus choose a rehost migration strategy (also known as lift-and-shift) for their large-scale workloads, the recommendation is to select a tool that will orchestrate, automate and schedule the migration with minimum downtime. CloudEndure Migration automates rehost migration. Cloud migration does not need to be a complex, time consuming, or costly endeavor. CloudEndure Migration simplifies, expedites, and reduces the cost of cloud migration by offering a highly automated lift-and-shift solution.

CloudEndure Migration is a block-level replication tool that simplifies the process of migrating applications from other public cloud servers to AWS.

CloudEndure replication is done at the OS level, enabling support of any type of source infrastructure (Physical machines, Virtual machines, and Cloud-based machines).

It executes the whole process without affecting anything on the source instance, enabling for minimal cutover downtime. The source doesn’t need to be powered off, restarted or modified in any way shape or form for a fresh copy of the instance to be started on AWS. Our cutover processes fell into a couple categories. For example, if the server in-scope was a stateful one and also required data consistency, we first shut down the processes of the application, waited a very short time for CloudEndure to sync the changes to the target environment, then started up the instance in the new environment.

Metrics for success

  • Minimum downtime using cloudendure (less than 1 hour).
  • Testing application and infrastructure before cutover go live.
  • Applications can be accessed quickly after migration.
  • Daily backup can be done with 7 days retention.

Lesson learned

  • Start migration from less risk workloads.
  • Use lift and shift migration strategies to minimize risk from the application behaviour.
  • Use cloudendure tools can help to minimize downtime and sync data to real time until cutover.

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